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how to pick a best research topic?

Picking a Research Topic
How to select or develop a good research topic is an important research question and every researcher and research student face it. mostly the instructor assigns his student research topics but sometimes the supervisor asks you to choose your own research topic.
While choosing the research topic you should focus on the following points.
*   brainstorm for ideas
*   choose a topic that will enable you to read and understand the literature
*   ensure that the topic is manageable and that material is available
*   make all your favorite keywords
*   be flexible
*   define your topic as a focused research question
*   research and read more about your topic
*   create a thesis statement
while selecting the topic one thing that you need to focus on is that it is not an easy task as you think about it. It must be narrow and focused enough to be interesting, yet broad enough to find adequate information. How your final project look like it plays an important role in the selection of the research topic. Every instructor or supervisor has his or her own way of doing research.
The following steps help you in searching for a good research topic.
v Brainstorm for ideas
In this step think about your society and your likes and dislikes. There are many things you can see but never notice or did not gave any importance. You can use society issue or you can use your own opinion on politician as a research topic. Health, is the second factor you can see in society if you are suffering from any issue or you have opinion about the prevalence of some health issue in your society you can use it as a research topic. You can also see your class is your class is boarding or why some students does not care about certain subject you can also see that some student skip some class you can use it as a factor in your research
v Do background research
If you have many topic of interest but you did not now what to choose then do back ground search. Read summaries about the topic from the other authors. Also study other research topics or papers. Some time you can find more use full information form literature review.
Ø You can see what type of scale that author use in the search
Ø You also know that there are some other variables that may be helpful in your research
Ø You can also see other peoples advantages and cones.
Ø You also get information about how people response.
Ø If the other research is scale development you can use its scale on your own research.
You can internet, libraries and news paper in doing background research of your topic.
v Focus on your topic
You should make your topic manageable. While doing literature review and getting online search you may find a broad amount of data. some of them may be not important or not related to your research topic. some time you are doing research on specific issue of your country then the main focus of you should be the old research on the topic done before. You can not use other countries data to explain that factor more appropriately as you can use the research happen in your country on that topic. If you have any difficulties or questions with focusing your topic, discuss the topic with your instructor, or with a librarian.
v Make list of useful key words
While doing back ground search you can get many useful key words that you can use in your research. You can also get many variables that you can use with your current variable. The keywords also help you in making research statement.
v Be flexible
You should have to always be flexible be with your work. you did not know what are your findings may be the thing you want to prove become disprove or you does not get those values that you want for your study. May be your hypothesis has been rejected. but as we can say that hypothesis is a tentative solution to our problem or a guess it cannot be 100 % right so if it disapprove then try to be flexible and see what can you do now about it. may be the new values become more interesting and you can manage it in good way.

Another thing you have to focus while doing research what research means
 Research comes form 2 words re means again and search means again and again search until you get your findings

Latest research topics

·       false memory syndrome scale
·       flash blub memory
·        cognition bias modification approach to anxiety
·       anhedonia and depression
·        Neuroticism as a moderating factor in stressful social situations
·       suicide identification and depression in unemployment
·       Implicit hopelessness in remitted depression
·       The influence of foreignness and ethnicity on hiring preferences
·       stress, depression and suicide rate due to poverty rate
·       disruptive mood dysregulation disorder
·         comorbidity of anxiety and unipolar mood disorder
·       Unconscious life leads to coaching of self-awareness
·       Minority Stress and Self-Injury                   
·       Social effects on implicit attitudes
·       An investigation of the relation between anhedonia and motivated behavior: Exploring the roles of pleasure and effort aversiveness
·        politics and suicide
·       intermittent explosive disorder
·         binge eating and depression in adolescent
·       moral judgments and personal consistency in adults/teenager
·       oppositional deficient disorder
·       anorexia nervosa and depression
·         moral judgment and behavior intelligence in adolescence
·           laws of nature and free will
·         moral identity and judgments of charitable behaviors
·       moral judgments emotions and the utilitarian brain
·       binge eating and depression in adolescent
·       prejudice
·        antisocial personality disorder and depression in Pakistan
·       bullying and OCD
·       media's use of propaganda to persuade people's attitude, beliefs and behaviors
·       emotional expression scale
·       Death, Freedom and Narrative Thinking: Existential Analytics
·       excessive reassurance seeking scale
·       The Role of Perceived Thought Control and Anxiety in the Control of Memory Intrusions in Pakistan
·        adverse childhood experience scale
·       crisis intervention scale
·       adolescent abuse measuring scale
·       attitude and behavioral openness scale in Pakistan
·       social cognition and object relations
·        self-criticism fear of negative evaluation
·         adult’s attachment level
·       self-harm and eating disorder
·        negative self-evaluation and depression in adults
·        Effects of social stress and exhaustion on reward responsiveness
·       Self-efficacy and age as predictors of cognitive performance under stress in Pakistan
·       Implicit memory of emotional stimuli in young and older adults
·       The Relationship Between the Big 5 Personality Dimensions and False Confessions
·       Interpretation Biases for Threat as a Function of Anger and Aggression Proneness
·       Early life adverse experiences and the effect on parenting stress and schizotypal symptoms
·       dignity and shyness
reference (2019). How to Select a Research Topic | University of Michigan-Flint. [online] Available at: [Accessed 9 Feb. 2019].


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