procrastination is not a new problem.the word Procrastination comes from Latin's "procrastinare", that translates in to: the prefix pro-, 'forward', and the suffix -crastinus, 'till next day' from cras, 'tomorrow') it is the avoidance of doing a test which should be accomplished. the avoidence is not due to that you did not have enough time for that. some time procrastination take place just before the deadline. because some people work well at the deadline. there are many type of procrastination some of them are
there are many type of procrastination...
1 the thrill seeker
this type of person only work well when they are in stress situation.They are prone to creating false crises and seek out the rush associated with
waiting until the last minute.they can not complete work before deadline ,they always complete their work at the peak of time.
2. the worrier
this type of people always worry about the work. they think that what they do or try to do always end in mess and the are only best in creating mess, and they always blame their self on small things and they cannot make hard decision.
3.The Perfectionist
they always try to do things perfectly, so they does not do any thing because they always try to do best so they also does not complete task at if they cannot do a task perfectly they cannot do the work at all. or we can say that Perfectionists set such high standards for themselves that they quickly become overwhelmed by the work they need to get done. These types of procrastinators may start work, but they often
do not finish it because they give up when they cannot meet the unrealistic standards they’ve set for themselves. If they cannot do it perfectly,
they don’t want to do it at all.
4. The Over-Doer
they are lazy peoples . they can not complete their work on time.they cannot complete work on time so they get a large amount of work to do in small time and at the end they suck to what to do first.or we can say that Over-Doers aren’t lazy—in fact just the opposite.
These procrastinators have so much going on that they can’t decide what to do first. Because they can’t figure out where to start, they
never start at all,
study of academic procrastination is done in university of Vermont in 1984 the result of this study shows that 30 % peoples response that they procrastinate at studying for exams and at the time of assignment.Nearly a quarter of the subjects reported that procrastination was a problem for them, regarding the same tasks. However, as many as 65% indicated that they would like to reduce their procrastination when writing papers and approximately 62% indicated the same for studying for exams and 55% for reading weekly assignments.
another study in 1992 shows that 80-90% of students are engaged in procrastination.
how to over come it
1. we should work in group
2.we should make a time table
3. start to make new plans
4.forgive yours self for procrastination in past and make a decision that you will never procrastinate from now on.
5. make reward for yourself for task completation
6. ask some one else to check up you... through this you can take a note when you try to do procrastination.
7. minimize your distraction.
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