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Showing posts from July, 2018

how to do critical analysis of an article?

there are many points come to mind when we are going to do a critical analysis of an article is we can only focus on negative points of writer or we should also focus the positive points of the written article. don't think too much about it just focus on the following points. first, check the title is it clear or ambiguous. check the abstract if it clearly defined the whole research, its results, analysis population, if not is it clearly defined the topic for which it makes note it  check the year in which the article was written and the article was published check the methodology and result is it is written clearly or not  while checking the result check the table format how they are present. lastly, check the reference is the reference in the whole article is new or old... if the topic is new and many people does not know about it then the reference should be new....if the article is based on many years old studies and now no research is done on i...

how to choose thesis topic?

the big issue for any student is how to choose a thesis topic for his/her research.there are many ways to choose a topic for your research, but there are also many hurdles that you must have to face while choosing topics. 1. the topic should not be common 2.the number of researches done on that topic should be low     ( you can check this out by simply putting your topic on google and see the no of result for your country if the number of results for your country is low then it will be a blessing for you) 3. choose your domain      the best way to search for the topic of interest is to choose your domain of interest and then choose your topic from that domain that you want to search. example       I want to do a research in clinical psychology and disorder come now in the field of clinical I can choose many topics to suppose I choose oppositional deficient disorder. 4. after choosing a topic to choose what type of research you want...


what is ABAS? The adaptive behavior assessment system (ABAS-II) provides a comprehensive norm-referenced assessment of adaptive skills for individual’s age birth to 89 years. The ABAS-II can be used to assess an individual’s adaptive skills for assessment and diagnosis and classification of disabilities and disorders, identification of strengths and limitations, and to document and monitor an individual’s progress over time. The ABAS-II measures ranges of adaptive skills according to American Association on Mental Retardation (AMAR) and Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders- Fourth Edition (DSM-IV). It is a complete assessment tool to measure multiple respondents, evaluating functioning across multiple settings and to assessment of daily functioning’s of an individual. The basic components of ABAS-II include the manual and five rating forms. Relevant respondents of the person being evaluated can rate these forms. Respondents can be parents, teachers, family membe...